Strategic Plan

  • Introduction

    • The Department of Curriculum & Instruction develops educators who are knowledgeable and skilled in their professions, are ethical and caring in their actions, and are responsive to the diverse and emerging needs of society. Through university, school, community, and professional partnerships, we advance scholarship and pedagogy that influence education practice and policy.

    • The strategic plan outlined in this document will position Curriculum & Instruction at Texas State to move toward national recognition in educator development for P-16 settings by increasing collaboration, research, and program quality. It is our ultimate vision that all learners in our state and nation will have access to and opportunities for success in high quality public education and that our programs will play a vital role in causing this vision to become reality. With this always in our minds, we make thoughtful and careful decisions about people, programs, research, and service.

      1. Gain National Research University Fund (NRUF) status

      The National Research University Fund (NRUF) status goal addresses our need to modify faculty teaching load (in order to provide support to conduct research and seek externally funded projects), to develop Ph.D. programs in Special Education and Bilingual Education, and to increase external grant funding, international research and collaboration. The aim of this goal is to support faculty as they develop and implement research. (3.1, 3.4, 3.5)

      University Goals: 2 Offer high quality academic and educational programing and 3 Achieve significant process in research and creative activity as measured by national standards.

      1. Increase Graduate Student Enrollment

      The Increasing Graduate Student Enrollment goal addresses our need to provide financial incentives such as tuition fellowships and GA and GR positions in order to ultimately recruit, retain, and graduate high-quality graduate students. Within this goal we intend to develop new graduate programs that provide innovative approaches to teaching and learning across all disciplines within C&I. We also intend to leverage the opportunities offered by the LBJ Institute for STEM Education & Research to include GA and GR positions in national research opportunities while mentored by senior research faculty. (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7. 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.3)

      University Goals: 1 Promote the success of all students and 2 Offer high quality academic and educational programing

      1. Innovative Clinical/Instructional Experiences

      The Innovative Clinical/Instructional Experiences goal addresses our need to design and implement innovative clinical experiences across all programs. Examples include redesigning and implementing innovative field based programs that can improve accessibility for graduate and non- traditional students, creating partnerships with schools and districts to create thematic cohorts, model classrooms, and online programs. (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.9)

      University Goals: 1 Promote the success of all students and 2 Offer high quality academic and educational programing

      1. Supporting Diversity

      The Supporting Diversity goal addresses our need to recruit and retain more diverse faculty members and students, design programs that reflect the diversity in the State of Texas, and support research and teaching opportunities that will increase our international engagement. This plan will encompass faculty development, program development, and program evaluation. (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.2, 3.5, 4.11)

      University Goals: 2 Offer high quality academic and educational programing

      1. Innovative Classroom Space/Technology

      The Innovative Classroom Space/ Technology goal addresses our need to improve the capacity and design of physical space such as flexible learning spaces for students and faculty, classroom environments that support current pedagogy of teaching and learning, and technology. These include multiple learning spaces that allow professors and students to explore active learning, virtual learning, and flexible learning workshop space for multidisciplinary collaboration. This plan will encompass physical classroom space, equipment and software, faculty development, and technical support. (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.9)

      University Goals: 1 Promote the success of all students and 4 Provide necessary services, resources and infrastructure to support the university’s strategic direction.

    • 2017-2018

      - 2 new lines as follows: 1elementary/ESL education, 1 educational technology, (C&I priorities 1, 3, 4, 5)


      A total of 8 new lines:

      - 1 elementary education (C&I Priority 3)

      - 1 reading education (C&I Priority 1, 2, 3)

      - 1 developmental education research methodologist (C&I Priority 1, 2)

      - 2 bilingual education (C&I Priority 1, 2, 4)

      - 2 special education (C&I Priority 1, 2, 3)

      - 1 talent development (C&I Priority 1, 2, 4)

      These new positions will help us get to a 3-2 teaching load (NRUF status) and will get us ready to propose two new Ph.D. programs.

    • 2017-2018



      $ 235,330 per year

    • - 14 additional faculty offices (10 for new faculty lines requested and 4 for our current office shortfall)

      - 2 additional offices for administrative staff

      - 6 additional classrooms; including 2 innovative, flexible classroom spaces

      - STEM Education Design & Discovery Labs – a comprehensive space with flexible laboratory stations, a classroom, STEM exhibit space and open work spaces for faculty, staff, and grad students.

      - 3 additional storage spaces for technology, Tomas Rivera book award materials, ECE play and inquiry workshop

  • Process

    • In May 2016, faculty reviewed the 2012-2017 strategic plan and generated ideas and goals within their respective programs. At our retreat in August, the programs further refined and developed their ideas. These ideas were synthesized by the chair, assistant chair, and the two faculty leaders of the strategic plan task force to develop a draft plan of strategic priorities. These priorities were discussed and further refined by Program Coordinators in September, 2016 and the Personnel Committee in October, 2016. On November 11, 2016, C&I faculty met in a day-long session to review the draft plan and finalize their priorities. Faculty agreed to five priorities for the department. The chair, task force faculty, and assistant chair aggregated the work products from all of these sessions while crafting the current document.

  • Program Maintenance

    • Maintenance Need

      Reason for Need


      Result of Funding

      New furniture for classrooms: replace broken chairs and tables, purchase new whiteboards

      Many of the tables and chairs are broken.



      Salary increase for per course faculty of $1000 per course taught

      Our per course instructors have received the same salary since 2010. In order to continue to hire talented per-course faculty, this increase is needed.

      $80,000 per year

      This additional funding will play a key role in hiring well-qualified talented faculty to teach our undergraduate and graduate courses.

      Science education lab materials

      The maintenance of the lab materials is an ongoing cost for C&I. Additionally, we plan to offer our science education labs on the Round Rock campus so that students can complete their coursework in that location. This will require purchasing lab materials.

      Initial cost for Round Rock lab

      $10,000 then $3000 per year to maintain supplies

      We will be able to offer our students quality lab experiences at both campuses to better prepare them for classroom teaching.

      Hire additional Graduate Assistants

      C&I currently has five funded GIA positions and there is a need for five additional GIA/GRAs in the department to

      (a) accommodate the increased need for faculty research assistance as we pursue NRUF status and (b) help offset declining graduate enrollment

      $65,000 per year

      Additional GIA and GRAs will play an important role in recruitment of graduate students and will also provide more support to faculty to teach larger section courses and in research endeavors.

      Purchase research software packages to support faculty research needs and online teaching

      As an emerging research institution, our faculty has an increased need for advanced research software packages. Additionally, there is a need for software used for teaching online courses.

      $5,500 per year

      Faculty will be able to conduct higher-level research. Students will have access to the latest online teaching tools.

      Parking spaces for CARES Clinic

      The cost of two parking spaces in lot X is shared with the CLAS department.

      $4,500 per year

      We will continue to be able to provide parking close to the clinic to better support the children who are served in the CARES clinic.

      Server for CARES and counseling and assessment clinic

      The server is outdated and needs replacing every five years

      $16000 ($8,000 in year 1 and $8,000 in year 6)

      The CARES clinic will be able to continue to serve the children of Texas while also collecting high-quality research data.


  • Planning Goals (University Goal Statements)

    • Unit Goal

      1 Year

      2-6 Years

      New Resources Required


      Source of Resources

      Assessment Criteria

      University Initiative

      University Goal 1: Promote the success of all students.

      Support high-quality graduate student recruitment via tuition fellowships, with an emphasis on growing graduate enrollment



      Tuition fellowships for 40 students


      over the 6 years


      Increased enrollment in graduate programs

      1.2, 1.4, 1.9

      Provide travel funding for graduate and undergraduate students to present at professional conferences



      $1000 in Travel funds for 30 graduate and undergraduate


      $30,000 per year

      Provost and Department (50/50 split)

      Increased student research presentation at professional conferences



      Recruit and retain diverse student population



      $8,000 for faculty/staff professional development


      Provost and Department (50/50 split)

      Increased diversity of enrolled students.

      1.1, 1.3, 1.12

      University Goal 2: Offer high quality academic and educational programming.

      Two flexible learning spaces that provide multiple ways to configure the classroom, opportunities for collaboration, and 21st century technology. This plan will encompass equipment and software, faculty development, and technical support.





      80 chairs projector, whiteboards, computer



      Increased capacity to offer multimodal approaches to teaching and learning to better prepare future teachers.

      1.1, 1.11,

      2.4, 2.6

      STEM Education Design and Discovery labs that provide multiple ways to configure for small groups to engage in active STEM learning, be exposed to cutting edge NASA education resources and 21st century technologies.






      Increased capacity to offer multimodal approaches to teaching and learning to better prepare future teachers and attract additional multi- million funding to the University.

      2.4, 2.6


      Devise and implement a curricular alignment plan that will meet new TEA standards including an instructional technology plan.



      Funds for faculty development, course releases for curricular work, travel to exemplary programs, materials, equipment.

      $15,000 per year


      Successful TEA Audit.

      2.2, 2.6

      Reduce class size of large undergraduate courses



      six per-course lecturers @

      $4,000 each

      $24,000 per year

      Provost/ Department (50/50 split)

      Improved student engagement in courses and improved scores on TExES certification exams.


      Supporting school district partnerships for field block experiences

      $150 per cooperating teacher ($50 to attend a training; $100 once all paperwork is complete)



      $150 per cooperating teacher.

      $22,500 per year

      Provost or student fee

      Improved partnerships with local schools.

      2.1, 2.2

      University Goal 3: Achieve significant progress in research and creative activity as measured by national standards.

      Fund new faculty lines for proposed doctoral program in bilingual-biliteracy education and doctoral program in Special Education



      2 Assistant Prof lines @ $65,000

      = $130,000

      2 Assoc Prof lines @ $80,000

      = $160,000



      Successful searches.

      3.1, 3.2

      Transition full-time tenured faculty from a 3-3 teaching load to a 3-2 teaching load in order to support research expectations and the move toward NRUF status.



      Per course faculty to teach 28 sections per year



      Increased faculty publication production

      3.1, 3.4

      Add Research Methodology/Assessment Track to the Developmental Education Doctoral Program



      2 Assistant professor lines @ $65,000



      Increase in research capacity within the COE by adding faculty expertise in research methodology

      2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

      Increase support for faculty research and external grant acquisition through funding for course release; travel; professional development; national and international partnerships, and administrative support



      Increase travel funding by $500 per faculty member


      Provost/ department (50/50 split)

      Increased external funding and faculty publications

      3.1, 3.4

      University Goal 4: Provide the necessary services, resources, and infrastructure to support the university’s strategic direction.

      Hire additional administrative assistant to provide pre and post award administrative support



      Staff Salary



      Increased external funding due to better administrative

      support for faculty


      Hire field-based block coordinator



      Lecturer Salary

      $45,000 per year


      Increase our

      capacity to work with local schools
