1997 Book Award Winner
In My Family/ En Mi Familia

Book Synopsis:
Through vibrant paintings and warm personal stories, Carmen brings to life more loving memories of growing up in a traditional Mexican American community: eating empanadas, witnessing the blessing on her cousin’s wedding day, and dancing to the conjunto band at the neighborhood restaurant.
En Espanol: En Mi Familia
A través de pinturas vibrantes y cálidas historias personales, Carmen revive más recuerdos amorosos de su crecimiento en una comunidad tradicional México-Americana, comiendo empanadas, observando la bendición en el día de la boda de a su primo, y bailando al son del conjunto banda en el restaurante del bario.

Carmen Lomas Garza, a native of Texas, is considered one of today’s finest Mexican American painters. Garza was raised in Kingsville, Texas. At the age of thirteen, she made a commitment to pursue a career in art and taught herself elements of drawing. Her works of art depict childhood memories of family and friends in a wide range of activities from making tamales to dancing to Tejano music. Inspired by her mother, Carmen pursued her dream of becoming an artist. She had received two California Art council Artist and Residence Grants and two national endorsements for the Art Fellowship. Her first book, Family Pictures (1990), has received numerous honors including an American Library Association’s Notable Award, the Texas bluebonnet Award, and the 1996 Pura Belpr, special Honor Award the American Library Association’s Award for Latino literature. Recipient Website: www.carmenlomasgarza.com