Scholarship Empowers Aspiring Future Teachers to Shape Texas Education Landscape

Charlcee Cervantez I September 19, 2023

In an effort to invigorate the teaching profession and address critical shortages in the Texas public school system, the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers, a key facet of the Raising Texas Teachers initiative, has been established. The scholarship aims to inspire talented individuals to embark on a career in teaching, offering substantial financial aid and comprehensive professional growth prospects.

This first year, ten Texas State University students were named Charles Butt Foundation (CBF) Scholars. These scholars are majoring in Education - Early Childhood to Grade Six/English as a Second Language (EC6-ESL) and will matriculate into the Teacher Residency Program. Currently, only students majoring in Education - Early Childhood to Grade Six/English as a Second Language (EC6-ESL) certification are eligible.

The scholarship, spanning four years and worth $8,000-$10,000 annually, is tailored to promising students who are pursuing their initial teaching certification in select programs across partner universities. Additionally, scholars benefit from ongoing mentorship provided by experienced public-school educators and the opportunity to participate in a state-wide network of fellow aspiring teachers up to five years after graduation.

Dr. Deirdre Williams, former CBF scholarship coordinator and current Director of the Residency Program in the College of Education, emphasized the benefits of the professional development opportunities that come with being a scholar. 

“The Charles Butt Foundation has a sharp focus on identifying relevant issues that cannot be solved solely within the classroom,” Williams said. “They are providing educators with innovative insights to ensure that our students are well-equipped for their teaching careers. This advantage is invaluable.” 

Williams also expressed her appreciation of the scholarship and encourages students to apply.

“It's great to see that corporations are helping educators with the financial burden of attaining higher education,” Williams said. “As the coordinator, one of my roles was to offer a wide variety of resources to assist applicants and offer guidance every step of the way.”

Eligibility for the Charles Butt Scholarship is contingent upon a strong commitment to teaching in economically disadvantaged schools or shortage areas, coupled with a demonstration of requisite knowledge, skills, and values. Texas residents are given preference in the selection process and professional support to guide them on their journey to becoming transformative teachers. 

As the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers continues to flourish, it carries the hope of reimagining education in Texas and nurturing the potential of both educators and students alike. 

For more information on the scholarship, please visit the Charles Butt Foundation website or email