Important Travel Information
Always ensure that your travel aligns with the funder-approved budget.
Receipts and reconciliation are due no later than 1 week after travel is completed.
Receipts must be itemized.
State tax cannot be reimbursed. You are required to turn in the hotel tax exemption form directly to the hotel.
I need to travel...
In-State (one time)
Make a request via the Travel Request Form to the Post-Award Research Coordinator at least 2 weeks before travel occurs (if Company Billed Airfare is needed, travel request must be received at least 1 month in advance).
In-State (multiple destinations over the course of a semester)
Consult with the Post-Award Research Coordinator prior to travel occurring for the semester. Special procedures will need to be established.
Make a request via the Travel Request Form to the Post-Award Research Coordinator at least 2 weeks before travel occurs (if Company Billed Airfare is needed, travel request must be received at least 1 month in advance).
Make a request via the Travel Request Form to the Post-Award Research Coordinator at least 1 month before travel occurs.